(877) 860-2005
201 Lackawanna Ave
Scranton, PA 18503

Brake and Lamp Inspection

Certified Brake and Lamp Inspections in Scranton, PA

California State Inspection in Scranton, PA

Brake and lamp inspections can be required in the state of California if a vehicle has been retitled. This will be necessary when a vehicle has changed ownership, has been reported stolen, or has been damaged. These inspections can also be necessary if the brakes or lights on a vehicle are not functioning properly. In the state of California, brake and lamp inspections must be done by a state-certified inspection station to ensure that the brake system and lights are in order and have not been damaged in theft or collision.

Ed Vintner is an official state-certified Lamp Adjusting Station and an official state-certified Brake Adjusting Station, serving Scranton, PA, Wilkes-Barre, PA, Clarks Summit, PA, and surrounding areas.

What if My Vehicle Fails the Brake/Lamp Inspection?

Vehicles with damaged or misaligned lights or brakes will not pass their inspections. As a state-certified Brake Adjusting Station and Lamp Adjusting Station, Ed Vintner is authorized by the state of California to perform inspections and make the necessary repairs. Our ASE-certified technicians are fully equipped to offer inspections and top-notch repairs of lamp equipment and brake systems. Contact us today to schedule your inspection or repair!

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Address: 201 Lackawanna Ave.
Scranton, PA 18503