(877) 860-2005
201 Lackawanna Ave
Scranton, PA 18503

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LT rated 10 ply tires designed for carrying heavy cargo and towing large trailers.
Wide 5-rib highway tread offers combination of superb handling and braking on wet and dry surfaces.
Designed for a quiet, comfortable ride and maximum performance for highway applications in all weather conditions.
Strong steel belted construction ensures exceptional stability, durability and long tread life.
M & S Rated
LT rated 10 ply tires designed for carrying heavy cargo and towing large trailers.
Wide 5-rib highway tread offers combination of superb handling and braking on wet and dry surfaces.
Designed for a quiet, comfortable ride and maximum performance for highway applications in all weather conditions.
Strong steel belted construction ensures exceptional stability, durability and long tread life.
M & S Rated

Contact Ed Vintner


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Scranton, PA 18503