(877) 860-2005
201 Lackawanna Ave
Scranton, PA 18503

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OFFSET TREAD BLOCKS / Adds biting edges for superior all-weather traction on both on and off-road environments
VARIABLE DEPTH SIPING / Designed to provide performance consistency throughout the life of the tire
ANGLED TREAD NOTCHES / Provides increased void and surface area for superior mud and winter traction
STAGGERED STEPDOWN GROOVE / Provides tread rigidity, enhancing stability and handling while protecting the groove from stone drilling
ALTERNATING OPEN SHOULDER / Provides a biting grip for superior traction on all types of terrain
Q, R, & S RATED / Q, R, & S-speed rated performance
WET TRACTION / Elaborate siping and enhanced tread design allows for superior water dispersion
ALL-SEASON / Pattern design and tread compound enhanced for seasonal conditions
EXTREME TERRAIN / Aggressive design and large voids to effectively navigate rough conditions
CUT AND CHIP COMPOUND / Compound formulated to withstand abuse from rocks and gravel in rough conditions
OFFSET TREAD BLOCKS / Adds biting edges for superior all-weather traction on both on and off-road environments
VARIABLE DEPTH SIPING / Designed to provide performance consistency throughout the life of the tire
ANGLED TREAD NOTCHES / Provides increased void and surface area for superior mud and winter traction
STAGGERED STEPDOWN GROOVE / Provides tread rigidity, enhancing stability and handling while protecting the groove from stone drilling
ALTERNATING OPEN SHOULDER / Provides a biting grip for superior traction on all types of terrain
Q, R, & S RATED / Q, R, & S-speed rated performance
WET TRACTION / Elaborate siping and enhanced tread design allows for superior water dispersion
ALL-SEASON / Pattern design and tread compound enhanced for seasonal conditions
EXTREME TERRAIN / Aggressive design and large voids to effectively navigate rough conditions
CUT AND CHIP COMPOUND / Compound formulated to withstand abuse from rocks and gravel in rough conditions

Contact Ed Vintner


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Scranton, PA 18503
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