(877) 860-2005
201 Lackawanna Ave
Scranton, PA 18503

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Dry Performance / The tire’s ability to grip the road in dry conditions.
Handling / How the tire is able to respond to driving such as accelerating, braking, steering and turning.
Quite Ride / The measure of how quiet a tire is while driving.
Tread Wear / The wear rate of the tire.
Wet Performance / The tire’s ability to grip the road in wet conditions.
Dry Performance / The tire’s ability to grip the road in dry conditions.
Handling / How the tire is able to respond to driving such as accelerating, braking, steering and turning.
Quite Ride / The measure of how quiet a tire is while driving.
Tread Wear / The wear rate of the tire.
Wet Performance / The tire’s ability to grip the road in wet conditions.

Contact Ed Vintner


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Scranton, PA 18503