(877) 860-2005
201 Lackawanna Ave
Scranton, PA 18503

Snow Tires PPC

Winter Tires in Scranton, PA

Bad Snowstorms Demand Bold Tires

This season, give yourself peace of mind with winter tires. Specially designed for snow and below zero temperatures, winter tires excel in retaining traction when it's freezing outside and snow covers the road.

The right winter tires can:

  • Provide peace of mind in winter conditions
  • Provide traction to power through the snow
  • Decrease the chance of sliding.

Looking for winter tires online? Check out our selection and request a tire installation service today.

All-Season or Snow Tires?

Winter Tires in Scranton, PA

If all you've ever know are all-season tires, you may be wondering what makes winter tires so much better. Are they even worth buying if you have all-season tires installed? After all, the name of the tire implies it's usable during every season. 

When it comes time to put tire against tire, however, winter tires reign on top. Here's why:

  • Rubber Compound: Winter tires are made with a soft rubber compound that adapts to cold and freezing temperatures better than the compound in all-season tires. Your all-season tires turn hard as the temperature drops, while your winter tires won't reach that same level of stiffness. By retaining their softness, winter tires provide better traction in winter weather conditions than all-season tires.
  • Tread Pattern: Take a look at the tread design on an all-season tire and compare it side-by-side to a winter tire and you'll notice major differences. The cuts in the winter tire tread provide better "bite" than tires designed for any season. This tread helps winter tires move through heavy snow, grip the road, and remove excess water for superior performance in winter conditions.

Many motorists choose to own a set of all-season tires and winter tires that can be swapped when the time comes. One pro to doing this is that the all-season tires don't wear as fast from dealing with conditions they aren't as suited for compared to their winter counterparts. Safety is another big concern. Whether for yourself or your family, winter tires provide greater peace of mind due to the traction they provide.

When's the Best Time to Buy Winter Tires?

The best time to buy winter tires is when you need them. If your snow tires have reached the end of their useful life (check with your manufacturer for mileage and age), then it's time to look for a set. To save time, it's advisable you don't wait until after the first major snowstorm, or right before it, to have your snow tires installed. This period of time is when you'll run into the largest crowds. 

You can find snow tires online now in our catalog. Ed Vintner features a great selection of winter tires at competitive prices. Call or visit us during our hours of operation for more details. 

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Scranton, PA 18503