(877) 860-2005
201 Lackawanna Ave
Scranton, PA 18503

Tire Truing

Tire truing is a process where excess rubber is shaved off tires to eliminate flat spots and out-of-roundness. Ed Vintner provides truing services for Scranton, PA, Wilkes-Barre, PA, Clarks Summit, PA, and surrounding areas.

Why Should I Shave My Tires?

In the early years of tire manufacturing, most new tires had extra tread that made them noticeably out-of-round. To make a tire round (or "true,"), motorists would have a tire service technician shave the tread. With advancements in manufacturing technology and the advent of radial tires, a tire truing service was no longer necessary for most motorists. However, that doesn't mean truing is without benefits today. Even modern tires aren't as round as they could be with a shave, so those looking for best performance may benefit from a truing service.

Benefits of shaved tires include:

tire truing in Scranton, PA

  • Balance: For the best balance, you need to make sure your tires are as round as possible. If you've had a regular balancing service performed before but still feel vibrations that you know are from your tires, then tire shaving might be the solution you need. We can shave your tire on your vehicle or off using a specialized balancing machine.
  • Grip: Shaved tires provide better grip on the road, making handling easier. For this reason, tire shaving is popular with sports car and race car drivers.
  • Shape: Manufacturing has improved, but many tires today are still more oval than round. With our tire shaving service, we ensure that your tires are shaped correctly to provide you with the best performance.

We look forward to helping you get the maximum value out of your tires.

Contact Ed Vintner


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Address: 201 Lackawanna Ave.
Scranton, PA 18503