Tire truing is a process where excess rubber is shaved off tires to eliminate flat spots and out-of-roundness. Ed Vintner provides truing services for Scranton, PA, Wilkes-Barre, PA, Clarks Summit, PA, and surrounding areas.
In the early years of tire manufacturing, most new tires had extra tread that made them noticeably out-of-round. To make a tire round (or "true,"), motorists would have a tire service technician shave the tread. With advancements in manufacturing technology and the advent of radial tires, a tire truing service was no longer necessary for most motorists. However, that doesn't mean truing is without benefits today. Even modern tires aren't as round as they could be with a shave, so those looking for best performance may benefit from a truing service.
Benefits of shaved tires include:
We look forward to helping you get the maximum value out of your tires.
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